Think about making the biggest possible final sale before you even shoot!
Recently, I found myself returning to my old haunt of DownEast Maine. I was there (both) attending and shooting a wedding in the warm spring sun. The weather could not have been better, the family could not have been more welcoming. Everything was great. Shooting in the direct sun was a bit troubling, but not impossible.
The point of todays post is that I remembered some great advice as I drove five hours to the wedding. This advice is that we should shoot as if we are trying to make (and sell) the biggest package possible. Portraits are a no-brainer, but what about mail out cards, thank you mailings, wedding albums, ect? Thinking about what you need to make the most possible items is the way that I treat every event that I now photograph.
The only images that we can't sell are the ones that we don't take.
Here are some details from this wedding. I am posting these images mostly because they are at every wedding, and observing them will pay off. Plus I just loved the “Dead head” grooms cake.